When considering buying a property you may know exactly what you want or you may be looking with an open mind. Whatever your outlook is, one type of property is often overlooked – the humble bungalow. In fact, these single story houses like this modern bungalow house plan with natural stones cladding have a reputation for being practical, and very fairly so.
The bungalow house has already established its reputation of not being an inferior alternative to two story homes. Two storey houses might offer lots of advantages, but single storey house are fairly great preferences of most homeowners. Actually, the bungalows of today have evolved into hot trends nowadays because of its features and benefits.
Description of Modern Bungalow House Plan
If the idea of living in a one storey house has never crossed your mind you may still find that buying one is the key to owning the home of your dreams. The featured house stands in a lot that measures 8.84 x 12.50 meters with a usable building space of 121.0 s q. meters.
This awesome house has a simple elevation but a beautiful exterior. The façade shines outstandingly with an elevated porch with canopy roof in maroon shade, and wall cladding accentuated by natural stones in brown and grey tones. The canopy is matched by partial exterior in mineral plaster finish also in maroon paint. Additionally, the lighting assembly offers an extra appeal.
The exterior walls are treated with mineral plaster finish in white paint creating a contrasting atmosphere with the maroon shade. Meanwhile, the exterior is also provided with glass windows on appropriate locations.
Interior Design of Modern Bungalow House Plan
The Living Room
The white color theme dominates both interiors and exteriors of the house. The perfect fusion of white, grey, and brown colors made the living room dynamic and pleasant.
The Staircase
One of the highlights of this residence is the roof deck which is an additional space for relaxation and family-related activities.
The Bedroom
Specifications and Floor Plan
The house in feature has the following specifications: porch, living room, dining room, kitchen, three bedrooms, two bathrooms, working area, and parking space.
This house has a smart and privately designed floor plan. From the porch, you can access the living room through a wooden door. The dining room sits at a place where each room has easy access. The kitchen is minimalist in design, while there is also a spacious working area for other household chores. Meanwhile, there are three bedrooms, one of which has an attached bathroom, wardrobes, and a study area. The parking space sits comfortably and separately on the right side of the house.
Indeed, a unique house that is ready to offer distinct comfort and freedom for the family.
Credit to: Home Pictures
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