Two-bedroom Bungalow with a Raised Floor

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Despite the popularity of the modern house designs, the bungalow is never going outmoded and is still preferred by many prospective buyers or those planning to build their own house.

Perhaps one of the reasons why bungalows are preferred over double storey houses is the fact that it is more affordable to build and maintain a bungalow than a double storey home.

Single floor plans are easier to manage and maintain because they are open floor plans and they need less budget than double storey floor designs.

This single floor house looks so simple.  As you can see, it has a raised floor leaving a space below that will serve many purposes.

A raised floor provides an elevated structural floor above a solid substrate to create a hidden void for the passage of mechanical and electrical services (Wikipedia).

The space below may be used to create a continuous technical space underneath the surface of the floor to accommodate all the various types of cabling: electrics, plumbing, telephone and data transmission networks, climate control and security.

Another reason for a raised floor maybe because the area is often flooded and so it is advisable to raise the floor a little higher to avoid flood.

It is a simple design having two bedrooms, an open space for the living room and the dining room sharing the floor that gives the look and feel of a more spacious space rather than putting a divider.

The kitchen is fixed to the wall and behind it is the common bathroom.  There is an alley way going to the back door, a requirement for every house to have a back door for many purposes like an alternative entrance and exit especially when there is an emergency.

It has also a small veranda located  at the entrance like most house designs have.  There is no garage but the extra space in front of the house or just bseide it may be used as the parking for vehicles.

The floor plan is so simple that it doe snot need too many stuffs to decorate it.

Design Credit: homeplan2u


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  1. Benefits of Living in a Bungalow or Single-storey House - House Design Concepts

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