Commonly, purchasing a home can either be cost-effective or expensive. In spite of the present economic situation, every family do their best efforts to have their own house. Actually, if you visit any housing location, you will observe a vast number of one storey houses lined up from street to street. At this point, we offer one of the trendiest houses nowadays – a modern elegant house design with refined architectural details for your inspiration.
Whenever we discuss modern concepts, the meaning depends on who we are asking. However, in general, contemporary houses are characterized by using clean lines inside and outside the structure and spaces. In particular, the featured design is a modern house whose charisma is defined by the complexity and elegance of the architectural details of the exterior.
Description of Modern Elegant House Design
Definitely, this design is an eye-catcher that will turn your heads on. A residence in an elevated scheme, it delivers a different level of character. In fact, the elevation allows the house to stand reasonably higher, bigger, and more aesthetically appealing. Undoubtedly, the model house shines with pride.
As can be seen, the exterior façade is a revelation of modernism and style. The porch looks great with grey tiles, pillars, and an extended hip roof. Meanwhile, the pillars look prominent with accents of brown-colored natural stones. Apart from aesthetics, this house offers a high degree of comfort on both sides. It features big sliding frosted glass doors as well as enormous quantity of glass window panels installed in all elevations. Both materials are in white aluminum, frames which are great medium in ventilating the interior of the house.
Other Features of Modern Elegant House Design
Moreover, the other outstanding features of this model house are the following: corner cladding in brown paint, corner glass with white frames and highlights, and exterior walls with mineral plaster finish in light brown shade. By the way, the parking space finds its most comfortable spot on the right corner of the house.
Furthermore, the right side elevation also gleams with a well-defined architectural assembly and workmanship. In fact, the façade oozes with character as can be seen from the materials used, assembly, and the connection of each and every component of design.
Additionally, there is consistency in the design in all elevations. The rear elevation has similar applications as the other facades. The base stands very prominent in a khaki grey paint which complements the shades of the entire wall. Meanwhile, the hip roof assembly in dark brown tiles brings this home into a masterpiece.
To sum up, the design of the exterior facade of this residence is magnificent. The fusion of soft and warm colors created a dynamic and elegant house that everybody wants to have. Comfort and aesthetics in one house are what this house conveys.
Credit to: Kittisakwatsadu
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