This one storey house plan has a total floor area of 129 square meters. Provided with garage, elevated porch in five steps. Covered with concrete slap from the garage to the front of the master’s bedroom.
Simple roof design sloping at the back with long span galvanized Iron roofing. Main entrance is white powder coated aluminum framed sliding Doors and bedrooms with sliding windows. Top of master’s bedroom is provided with louvers for added ventilation including the living area front.
Looking the the floor plan below, there is a common toilet and bath serving the whole house. back of the garage is the kitchen area and further to the rear is the service area or laundry area. Left portion of the house is mainly occupied by the 3 bedrooms.
Simplicity is the keyword for this one storey house but does not mean its ugly. As you can see in the exterior, it is very elegant in terms of the design. Feel free to share to your friends and family who are looking for house concepts for their future home.
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