This jaw dropping 2 story house plan has a modern look with 4 bedrooms and total floor area of 2,400 square feet. The ground floor plan consists of the 3 bedrooms (guest room, bedroom and servant room). Garage at the front is open with fence at the side securing the passage between the left side wall. Kitchen as it own storage also provided with 2 toilets.
The second floor plan consist of the master’s bedroom with dresser and en-suite bathroom. There is another living room on this floor and also family lounge. On the other corner is a small pantry area. The 2 other bedrooms has there own toilet and bath. With an open terrace at the left side, this is an area where you can relax and watch the outside lawn.
Will it fit in a 300 sq mtrs lot with 20 mtrs wide frontage and 15 mtrs depth. Interested here, give me estimated cost including fencing. Will 3 vehicles fit in the garage (tandem).
will this design be appropriate for a 217sq. meter lot?. Do you have a video walk-thru that I can watch? I’m still scouting. Please let me know.