Impressive double storey house with five bedrooms

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Whether we like it or not, we all love a big house.  When we see any big house, we have this something in us like envy, we wish we have that house too!  A big house has many advantages specially if you have a big family and you love to keep many of your stuffs. You have more space for your furniture, collection and other decorations that you want to display in your house. If you are planning to build a big house, this post is for you. Check it to get some ideas to design yours.

Looking at this house, you will really fall in love with its grandeur. It is flashy and it speaks millions. Its design is complimented by its cross hip roof and the beautiful windows and other architectural designs.   The light gray paint made its exterior looks divine.  It is perfected by the contrast of brown that was used to paint its base, architectural features, and roof.

The cross hip roof is the best roof for this design. A cross hipped roof is a common roof type, with perpendicular hip sections that form an ‘L’ or ‘T’ shape in the roof hip. This is a great option for buildings with a more complex layout than a simple rectangle of square, and is a type of roof that will hold well in rain, snow or windy conditions.

With exactly the materials used as shown in the photo, you would need US$ 200,000- 240,000 or 1.0-12 million Philippine pesos to build this house and bring it to fully furnished state. However, you can build it to a rough finish and make it livable.  The finishing and furnishing will just follow.  You can save for it and continue improving your house in the next years to come.

Product Specifications:

  • two-storey home
  • five bedrooms
  • 3 bathrooms/toilets
  • living room
  • kitchen and dining
  • Budget: USD 200,000 – 2400,000 or Php 10-12M

You may want to check our other websites, as well.  You can click on the following hyperlinks and you will be redirected to the websites. There are many designs for you to choose from.  Each design has its own unique features where you may get ideas from to build your own. If you like the design, please don’t forget to share on your wall for others to see. Sit back and enjoy. Visit us again soon. Thank you!

  1.  Cool House Concepts
  2. House And Decors
  3. Ulric Home
  4. Pinoy Eplans
  5. OFW House Designs



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  1. House looks lovely. Could you please share the house plan and I see how possible it is to make afew adjustments.

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