If you think that you are not ready yet to build your house because you are thinking of the budget, think again. There are many financing institutions nowadays that offer affordable loans that you can pay in different terms. Building your dream house is not impossible. You just need to have a secure job and look for the best financing institution whose loan term is appropriate for you.
If the house you are dreaming to build is just a small house like this one we are featuring today, perhaps it won’t need that much budget. This house has two bedrooms which are standard size. It also has complete facilities that you need for a functional house. The estimated budget to build this house to a functional state is Php1.5 million.
It’s petite and it looks so cute. The four-step elevation gives it a proportional height against its width. The straight lines on the right side makes it look more modern. It looks cozy with its design.
Product Specifications:
- 1-story contemporary house
- 2 bedrooms
- 1 bathroom
- 1 living room
- kitchen
- L-shape balcony
- Budget: USD 30,000-50,000 or Php 1.5-2.5M
The balcony is an L-shape type and it adds appeal to the overall design of the structure. The porch is a little spacious as well as the bedrooms are roomy. The living room, kitchen and dining areas are spacious as well.
If you like this design and would like to request for the floor plan, you may contact us by leaving your comment here. Our architects will be very glad to have you assisted. We post different designs every day which you can use for your inspiration. You can browse through our other designs and contact us if you need further assistance.
You may want to check our other websites, as well. You can click on the following hyperlinks and you will be redirected to the websites. There are many designs for you to choose from. Each design has its own unique features where you may get ideas from to build your own. If you like the design, please don’t forget to share on your wall for others to see. Sit back and enjoy. Visit us again soon. Thank you!
Appreciate if you can share the floor plan.
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