Three-bedroom Contemporary Bungalow for a Small Family

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In this issue, we are featuring a cozy and compact three-bedroom bungalow that looks so typical and contemporary like the many bungalow houses that you have seen in your neighborhood.

This is just one of the many bungalows that we already have featured in our websites. But each of these bungalows has their own distinct features that make each of them unique.

Though this contemporary bungalow looks ordinary and typical to you, the layout may be different from the ones that you already saw.  So, it is still good to check it out.  It may have features that you may like and inspires you to renovate or modify your home or to inspire you to buy or build one soon.


The facade of this bungalow looks so simple but catchy.  The compact roof adds to its simple but classic design.  The two pillars provide support and stronghold to the structure but they also enhance the appearance of the frontage.

Obviously, this house is elevated from the ground and the presence of the stairs and the small veranda provides a more space in the entrance to the main door.

If your lot has enough space like this one, you may want to put a garden table set in one area for your coffee sessions.  You may also convert some space for your garage or parking.

The floor layout is definitely tidy and orderly.  The three bedrooms are arranged strategically,  The living space situated in the center is a typical feature of a bungalow house but this could be remodeled and be placed on left or right side upon entrance.

It all depends on what the owner prefers to place the living room, dining and kitchen.  The dining may share space with the kitchen.  You may also want to design your living space with an open floor connecting to the dining and kitchen areas to give an impression of an expansive living area.

The large glass windows and the big main door play the major attraction in the facade of this house.  Large glass windows are always preferred because they allow for natural light to seep inside the house.

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